Little Black Dress

The glossy darkness of your hair catches the light and shimmers.
The rich caramel of your skin, darkened, glows with a silken lustre.
You come home and find a note from me, lying on the table. With directions and an address, with a time to be there. . . .
And a box.
A box containing a slinky black dress.
A dress and a note.
Amongst scattered rose petals.
A note simply saying: "This and nothing else. XOXO"
You pull up to a darkened house. In a neighborhood of darkened homes. Your only company along the drive, a full moon playing peek-a-boo
with you, behind silken clouds, and the dimly glowing streetlights. As you lean over to see the house address better, that's when you notice. . .
The pathway of flickering candles. Flickering, beckoning. . .Enticing.
Leading to the back yard and through a trellis gate overgrown with roses.
Your heart starts beating faster. . .
As you step out of the car, the dress sways around you. An eager dancer that needs no music.
No music other than that which is made with your every sway, every roll of your hips.
Standing in the moonlight, you're highlighted, bathed in silver radiance. A fallen angel about to spread blackened wings.
Beauty beyond this world.
The glossy darkness of your hair catches the light and shimmers.
The rich caramel of your skin, darkened, glows with a silken lustre.
The dress. . .The dress is black flame, star kissed and moon bathed, form fitting, a second skin.
Hiding the last of your marvels, amplifying others.
An image enough to be ever seared, lastingly into any mind.
At the sight of you, the breath catches in my throat. Hard. A tremor runs through me.
Of longing. . .Of Desire. . .
My muscles tighten in anticipation. A dull roar fills my ears. . . .Blood rushing. . .
Stepping out of the car, the smell of roses and lilacs encloses you in a heady cloud.
There is a silky warmth to the air, a crisp cleanness. The smell of fresh grass, the trees,
the flowers. . . The night. Envelopes you.
The air is a warm caress, kissing your every contour.
As the air kisses your most tender of lips, a shiver tumbles its way up your spine and goosebumps
break out across the backs of your silken thighs.
Your heart pulses hard.
The grass is plush beneath your feet, tantalizing, teasing.
A breeze whispers through the leaves of the drooping willow nearby, a raspy whisper full of promises.
You walk the candlelit walkway, created just for you.
The heat teases along your legs.
The light reveals the carpet of roses laid out for you.
Soft and velvety. Moist as you step upon them. Each step releasing more fragrance.
Lifted skyward by the flames, caressing you as it rises, . . . lingering.
An angel swaying through fallen flowers. . .
Flowers given up their beauty in deference to hers. . .
Flames. Highlighting, wreathing. Bathing.
Her dark ambiance become a living thing, swaying, sashaying.
His heart threatens to burst at the sight, a vision beyond fantasy.
Beyond belief. And his. . .All his. Mine. Forever.
You don't walk along the candlelit path, so much as float. Surreal by definition.
Through the gate you go, leaves brushing, clinging almost hungrily.
And who can blame them.
Your candle strewn bed of flowers leads you to the hot tub.
Candle encircled, and illumined. Petal scattered.
Music is playing, words just out of reach, a beat that thumps inside your chest all the same.
You smell me a second before the tips of my fingers trace up your hands, up your arms to grip your shoulders and pull you back against me.
Your favorite of my cologne.
My arms tighten around you, muscle hardening, holding you to me tightly.
Face buried in your silken hair, inhaling your smell. . . Lips kiss their way down, around to your left ear.
Lips find your ear, breath hot and heavy against you. "Mmmmm. How you doin' ", rumbles out. My voice roughened by the burning need for you.
And with you so very close. . .
You giggle and grind your ass back against me. Noticing just how very much I have noticed you.
Leaning forward against my arms, I let you go to spin you around, facing me.
Your arms slide around me, fingers clenching against me, pressing yourself as tightly to me as you can.
My arms encircle you once more, molding themselves to you. Needing the feel of you. Savoring it. . . Savoring you.
A moan rumbles forth. You feel the vibration through my chest, where your head rests, even as you hear it.
Cupping your ass, my fingers begin kneading their way upwards. Clenching. Rubbing. Massaging. Up your deliciously firm ass. Up the muscles
of your sleek back, to the silken glory of your shoulders.
Savoring every inch, every glimpse of muscle hidden beneath the silken fabric. Fingers sensitive enough to almost be eyes. Eyes exploring you.
Eyes filled with disbelief and wonder. Filled with a hunger so bone deep nothing else matters.
The world narrows down to the smell of you and the feel of your body. Both against me and beneath my fingers. You encompass the entirety of my world.
And I wouldn't have it any other way. . .
Minutes stretch into what seems an eternity.
Me lost in the smell and sensation of having you in my arms, under my hands.
You lost in the smell of me, my reality, the sense of security. . . of belonging.
And of course my hands.
I pull back. Just far enough to cup your face between my hands.
I gaze down into your eyes. The eyes of the woman that completes me. The most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.
Held in the most beautiful face I could ever imagine.
My heart beats painfully as the enormity of how blessed I am hits home.
Eyes trace your face. Your lips. The curve of your cheek. Stare into your eyes, eyes so full of love and wonder.
And somehow, I love you even more.
For how could I not, when confronted with the reality. Your reality.
The reality of a dream coming true. A dream I can touch with mine own two hands.
Tears are threatening as I lean forward. Forward, to take your lips with mine. One hand pressing against your lower back.
The other holding your face to mine. Needing your mouth, your taste. Needing you in a way that's painful. Consuming.
"Give me your tongue, baby, pleease. I need you"
And you do.
Lightning rockets through me at the taste of your mouth, the feel of you against me.
My ensuing moan vibrates through your mouth. Through your very soul.
My need for you eclipses reality itself.
I take your mouth with a frantic need. The hunger for you ruling me completely.
The sheer physical need, making nothing else real. Nothing else matter. Just the feel of you. Your taste.
Your warmth. And how badly I need both.
How badly I need you.
All of you. . .
The hand pressing your mouth to mine become a clenched fist.
Clenched in your hair, pulling your head back.
Exposing the smooth expanse of your neck to me. To my mouth.
Which I eagerly exploit.
The taste of you, the feel. The silken heat. I wish I had fangs to sink in you.
I need you. To be inside you. More than I need air. I need to taste you. Have you.
My teeth scrape across you, the sharp ones, that feel so painfully delightful against your nipples.
A howling starts echoing in my head. The primal scream of desire. Of wordless need. The need of your body.
Of your everything. Hungrily, my mouth finds yours again. Claiming you. Taking you. . . Needing. . .
I pull back, panting. Eyes closed. Your fingers that have worked their way under my shirt, digging into my back,
feel the muscles harden. Just as a sound, part growl, part moan rumbles out of my mouth and reverberates against you.
Part of you is afraid, unsure. Yet your pussy throbs painfully and you feel yourself grow even more wet.
As I open my eyes again, you unconsiously gasp.
You're there, in my eyes, mirrored, floating in the fires of desire burning there.
Fires bright enough you can feel the heat bathing you.
It's very hard to breathe.
As the wicked smile slowly stretches across my lips, part mischievous, part cruel, part knee-weakeningly sexy.
Blue eyes turned saphire flame. Filled with such wicked promise.
You stop breathing all together.
One heartbeat.
Thump, thump. Thump.
Time lurches back into motion.
My fingers are velvet steel as they slide down your thighs, moving back up.
Exposing the tight curves of your ass to the starts and candlelights.
Exposing you to my Eyes.
You give a little gasp as I spread you open. Strong fingers pulling your ass apart, opening you to the breeze. To me.
Staring into your eyes all the while.
Eyes you can't look away from even if you desired to do so.
My fingers find the edges of your labia. The honeyed wetness of your desire having spread even further.
My dick throbs painfully. The proof of your own longing, making mine many times worse.
Fingers tease you. Lightly brushing against the softest of your silken skin. Glorying in the sticky wetness of you.
The delicious suction as I hold a finger against your hungry opening. Only to pull it away. Feeling little strands of your
desire stick to me. Feeling them call to me. A language older than words.
After being frozen, mind numbed by the feeling and promise, of my hands so very near your opening, upon realizing my delight in
denying you that which you crave, you begin thrusting your ass backwards, trying to capture my finger within the seductive walls of your wiles.
My deep chuckle reverberates through your entire body. I know exactly what you want. Exactly what you're doing. I was expecting.
And I am still denying you. You're going to beg, oh you're going to beg.
I run my fingers from you opening to your clit, collecting the warmth of your need on my fingers. Fingers I pull away.
Fingers I bring to my mouth so you can watch me, one by one, suck the glistening juice from your pussy, off my fingers.
I close my eyes to savor the taste of you. The slightly salty sweetness of your body. Of you. Of your pussy. My pussy. And only mine.
My eyes open. And again find your own. Cupping your face, I pull you to me. Capturing your lips once again.
"I'll never get over how good you taste. How good it is to taste you", I whisper into your mouth.
Pulling back again. I slide my hands down your neck, to your shoulders and begin sliding the dress down you. Slowly.
Exposing your perky breasts, breasts with the nipples that respond so well for me.
I take you in my mouth. Full lips, wet, pulling you inside hungrily.
You brace yourself on my strong shoulders, forearms against me as your fingers twine in the back of my hair.
Holding my mouth against you. Encouraging, welcoming. A low whimper escapes as my mouth begins to work at you.
Tongue wrapping around and around you. As your nipple hardens inside my mouth, I begin to pull at you. Long, slow suction.
If you had milk, I would be drinking from your body. As one nipple becomes fully erect, I move to the next. My fingers work at you.
Rolling you between thumb and forefinger. Slowly twisting, pinching, pulling. Pain and pleasure as one.
My tongue is between your breasts, underneath them both. Lips always follow, pulling at you, hungry, wet.
The dress comes down further.
Tongue and lips find the firmness of your stomach. The silky fine hair near your belly button. Kissing along your ribs.
Your breath grows faster and faster.
The dress slips further. . .
Down your hips. . .
Down your knees. . .
to pool at your feet.
Your hands brace against my shoulders as you lift your legs, one by one, so I can move the dress. Out of our way.
You stand there naked. I have to take a moment just to absorb the sight of you. My mouth waters uncontrollably and goes
dry all at the same time.
It's as if god sculpted you from a dream that I've spent my whole life dreaming.
Taking a deep breath, I let it out, shuddering. My whole body wanting to tremble.
Taking you by the hands, I pull you down to the ground beside me.
Twining my leg through yours, I start once more with your mouth.
Slowly, but no less hungrily. My thigh teasing your aching center as we move back
and forth. My fingers burning their way across your tight ass and up your back. Across your ribs.
Into your hair. Always clenching you to me. The need of your naked skin against mine the only constant
that exists.
Lips, tongue and hands wind their way down your body.
Your heart is beating so fast everything seems to spin. You feel so hot it's hard to think.
The ache between your legs so intense you want to cry and scream at the same time.
But all you can do is pant and moan. You've forgotten how to scream. How to talk.
All you know if the need. The need of me. My body. My touch. . . My taste.
I'm between your bent legs, toes gripping the grass. Toes that spasm almost painfully, clenching,
as my cool breath blows against the sopping mound of your pussy. Your fingers dig into the grass. Each breath from me,
making your whole body want to spasm. To scream.
Watching you writhe makes me harden painfully. The tip of my cock sopping wet. Aching to feel you wrapped around me.
The sight of your wet pussy, juice covering the inner cleft of your ass, your asshole, onto your thighs. . . makes me whimper.
Hunger. Desire. Longing.
And need. A Need so vast time doesn't exist.
Just you. Your body. And the aching desire of your pussy that screams at me with a beauty that
words can never shape.
I move my face closer to blow on you. The air even colder as it brushes across your glistening mound, lips hungrily parted.
Your legs jerk, hips thrust upward. Wanting to take me. Needing me. Inside you. Filling you. . . completing you.
Closer still, I move my face. Another breath. Stronger than before. Longer. Your whole body spasms. Hips thrusting upward,
convulsively. Your fingers tear grass out by the roots. You are past noticing. Past caring. The entirety of your world revolves around
the ache between your legs. The ache only I can feed.
You can feel the air I inhale as I breathe in the scent of you, nose almost touching, a hairs breadth away. The moan that escapes my mouth, you feel.
An electric shock from your pussy, through your body. Spiking into you.
My tongue lightly brushes your clit. A jolt shoots through you. You whimper. My grin grows feral.
My tongue brushes against your outer labia, lapping the slick wetness of your body. You could scream.
As I explore your inner labia, teasing against your opening. You want to curse my name.
"How's that feel, baby? Hmmm?"
You moan in my general direction. Fingers drumming against the ground.
"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you, try again".
You can almost cry.
I breathe against you, long and slow. Lips almost against your silken lips.
You do cry.
"Please *sobs* Please. I need it. . Please".
"What do you need, baby?" My grin is most evil.
"*sobs* I need you. Inside me. God, I need you so bad"
"Why didn't you say so, love?" My grin is absolutely evil.
When my lips fasten onto your labia, . . . you scream.
A scream of need, of longing. An ache so long unfulfilled. Without words. Without thought.
All the pain of yearning. Of need. Of completion.
As my mouth hungrily pulls at you, your mind detaches.
My tongue thrusts inside you, the need to taste you almost as strong as your need to be tasted.
My tongue begins to rub your clit. Wet fingers slip inside you, curling upwards. Seeking the bump of your g-spot.
Finding it with aclarity. I suck hard at you. Pulling the blood to your clit. Sucking. Sucking.
Fingers flicking rapidly inside you, twisting, corkscrewing.
Your legs are kicking, feet twitching.
Back arching. Arms flailing. Body cavorting on the ground.
A dance of wordless need. Beautiful in any language. Priceless.
"Cum for me, baby. Hard. I want to taste it. CUM"
And with a screaming gyration of your hips, you do.
And you do.
And you do.
My fingers and mouth pull at you. Pulling orgasm into orgasm.
Waves of warmth cresting and crashing down onto you. Shockwaves thundering through your entire body.
Plucking strings you didn't know existed. And you dance to my tune, strings pulled expertly.
Your mind goes from detached to nonexistent. Simply you, floating in an ocean of warmth, waves floating you
from here to there. Gravity no longer an issue. The earth no longer tangible. Just you and me. And the pulsating heat
of my body and the hunger of yours yet to be sated.
After you come back to yourself, I'm there beside you. Smiling down at you, stroking your face.
"Mmmmm. I love when you come, baby. Was it good?"
In response, you pull my mouth down to yours and I eagerly except.
"I need you inside me, baby, please. I need it", you say.
I answer with a grin that makes you ache inside.
Rolling over, I pull you on top of me.
You straddle me, feet resting against my legs, deliciously tight ass just above the throbbing shaft of my erection.
With one hand I pull your mouth down to me. To mine. To my neck. My nipples. Hand clasped firmly in the back of your hair.
With my other hand, I reach between our legs. Grabbing my cock, I begin teasing your hungry, pink mouth. Sliding the tip against you,
rubbing it along your opening, thumping it against your sensitized clit. You try to thrust your hips down on me and I pull away, whispering "Not just yet, beautiful".
As your mouth plays along my neck and shoulers, my chest. My hands find the curves of your hips and ass. Strong fingers clench you. Holding you in place as the
burning hot tip of my dick rests against your aching center. Holding you in place, keeping you from taking me inside you. Your mouth grows more frantic against me.
Lips find my ear, tongue darting inside. The heat of your breath and tongue in my ear makes me head swim. Coupled with the heavenly heat coming from your pussy,
just barely hugging my head. . .My eyes cross and I almost lose my grip on you and your constant straining to take me inside.
I grip you more firmly. And brace myself to thrust inside you. You can feel my muscles tense up.
The ache inside you reaches a high note. You mind focuses in anticipation of feeling me part you.
And I do. Slightly.
Half an inch more than before. More. But still so much less than you want. You strain even harder against my grip,
whimpering as you try to grind your way down onto me.
I begin teasing you. In that little bit for a few short strokes and back out to tease your opening. Your delicious suction of your pussy never fully leaving me.
You forget about kissing me neck and chest. Your thoughts only for what you aren't getting. Only for your need. As you whimper.
You feel my muscles tense up again.
Surely, this is the time. This will be it. The thrust that drives me deep inside you. Surely. Right?
Sort of.
You get an inch more. Before I start teasing you again.
Savoring the feeling of your body. How right it feels to have you.
How needful this sharing is, this conjoining.
Sliding your nipple in my mouth, I bite down, Sharp teeth slowly, firmly clamping down. You gasp and start to try and pull away.
Even as my hands slam you down onto me, as I thrust up into you.
Your breath freezes, your mind locks. A breath shudders its way out of you.
You lean your breasts back down to me, grinding your hips against me. Rolling me inside of you hungrily.
My lips find your. Need of you the only thing that makes sense anymore. The need for all of you. In every way.
"Take that dick, baby. Take it. Mmmm Take it. Oh God. Take it", I whisper into your mouth, fingers locked where they grip your ass.
I roll you onto your back, needing to take you deeper, thrust into you harder.
And a box.
A box containing a slinky black dress.
A dress and a note.
Amongst scattered rose petals.
A note simply saying: "This and nothing else. XOXO"
You pull up to a darkened house. In a neighborhood of darkened homes. Your only company along the drive, a full moon playing peek-a-boo
with you, behind silken clouds, and the dimly glowing streetlights. As you lean over to see the house address better, that's when you notice. . .
The pathway of flickering candles. Flickering, beckoning. . .Enticing.
Leading to the back yard and through a trellis gate overgrown with roses.
Your heart starts beating faster. . .
As you step out of the car, the dress sways around you. An eager dancer that needs no music.
No music other than that which is made with your every sway, every roll of your hips.
Standing in the moonlight, you're highlighted, bathed in silver radiance. A fallen angel about to spread blackened wings.
Beauty beyond this world.
The glossy darkness of your hair catches the light and shimmers.
The rich caramel of your skin, darkened, glows with a silken lustre.
The dress. . .The dress is black flame, star kissed and moon bathed, form fitting, a second skin.
Hiding the last of your marvels, amplifying others.
An image enough to be ever seared, lastingly into any mind.
At the sight of you, the breath catches in my throat. Hard. A tremor runs through me.
Of longing. . .Of Desire. . .
My muscles tighten in anticipation. A dull roar fills my ears. . . .Blood rushing. . .
Stepping out of the car, the smell of roses and lilacs encloses you in a heady cloud.
There is a silky warmth to the air, a crisp cleanness. The smell of fresh grass, the trees,
the flowers. . . The night. Envelopes you.
The air is a warm caress, kissing your every contour.
As the air kisses your most tender of lips, a shiver tumbles its way up your spine and goosebumps
break out across the backs of your silken thighs.
Your heart pulses hard.
The grass is plush beneath your feet, tantalizing, teasing.
A breeze whispers through the leaves of the drooping willow nearby, a raspy whisper full of promises.
You walk the candlelit walkway, created just for you.
The heat teases along your legs.
The light reveals the carpet of roses laid out for you.
Soft and velvety. Moist as you step upon them. Each step releasing more fragrance.
Lifted skyward by the flames, caressing you as it rises, . . . lingering.
An angel swaying through fallen flowers. . .
Flowers given up their beauty in deference to hers. . .
Flames. Highlighting, wreathing. Bathing.
Her dark ambiance become a living thing, swaying, sashaying.
His heart threatens to burst at the sight, a vision beyond fantasy.
Beyond belief. And his. . .All his. Mine. Forever.
You don't walk along the candlelit path, so much as float. Surreal by definition.
Through the gate you go, leaves brushing, clinging almost hungrily.
And who can blame them.
Your candle strewn bed of flowers leads you to the hot tub.
Candle encircled, and illumined. Petal scattered.
Music is playing, words just out of reach, a beat that thumps inside your chest all the same.
You smell me a second before the tips of my fingers trace up your hands, up your arms to grip your shoulders and pull you back against me.
Your favorite of my cologne.
My arms tighten around you, muscle hardening, holding you to me tightly.
Face buried in your silken hair, inhaling your smell. . . Lips kiss their way down, around to your left ear.
Lips find your ear, breath hot and heavy against you. "Mmmmm. How you doin' ", rumbles out. My voice roughened by the burning need for you.
And with you so very close. . .
You giggle and grind your ass back against me. Noticing just how very much I have noticed you.
Leaning forward against my arms, I let you go to spin you around, facing me.
Your arms slide around me, fingers clenching against me, pressing yourself as tightly to me as you can.
My arms encircle you once more, molding themselves to you. Needing the feel of you. Savoring it. . . Savoring you.
A moan rumbles forth. You feel the vibration through my chest, where your head rests, even as you hear it.
Cupping your ass, my fingers begin kneading their way upwards. Clenching. Rubbing. Massaging. Up your deliciously firm ass. Up the muscles
of your sleek back, to the silken glory of your shoulders.
Savoring every inch, every glimpse of muscle hidden beneath the silken fabric. Fingers sensitive enough to almost be eyes. Eyes exploring you.
Eyes filled with disbelief and wonder. Filled with a hunger so bone deep nothing else matters.
The world narrows down to the smell of you and the feel of your body. Both against me and beneath my fingers. You encompass the entirety of my world.
And I wouldn't have it any other way. . .
Minutes stretch into what seems an eternity.
Me lost in the smell and sensation of having you in my arms, under my hands.
You lost in the smell of me, my reality, the sense of security. . . of belonging.
And of course my hands.
I pull back. Just far enough to cup your face between my hands.
I gaze down into your eyes. The eyes of the woman that completes me. The most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.
Held in the most beautiful face I could ever imagine.
My heart beats painfully as the enormity of how blessed I am hits home.
Eyes trace your face. Your lips. The curve of your cheek. Stare into your eyes, eyes so full of love and wonder.
And somehow, I love you even more.
For how could I not, when confronted with the reality. Your reality.
The reality of a dream coming true. A dream I can touch with mine own two hands.
Tears are threatening as I lean forward. Forward, to take your lips with mine. One hand pressing against your lower back.
The other holding your face to mine. Needing your mouth, your taste. Needing you in a way that's painful. Consuming.
"Give me your tongue, baby, pleease. I need you"
And you do.
Lightning rockets through me at the taste of your mouth, the feel of you against me.
My ensuing moan vibrates through your mouth. Through your very soul.
My need for you eclipses reality itself.
I take your mouth with a frantic need. The hunger for you ruling me completely.
The sheer physical need, making nothing else real. Nothing else matter. Just the feel of you. Your taste.
Your warmth. And how badly I need both.
How badly I need you.
All of you. . .
The hand pressing your mouth to mine become a clenched fist.
Clenched in your hair, pulling your head back.
Exposing the smooth expanse of your neck to me. To my mouth.
Which I eagerly exploit.
The taste of you, the feel. The silken heat. I wish I had fangs to sink in you.
I need you. To be inside you. More than I need air. I need to taste you. Have you.
My teeth scrape across you, the sharp ones, that feel so painfully delightful against your nipples.
A howling starts echoing in my head. The primal scream of desire. Of wordless need. The need of your body.
Of your everything. Hungrily, my mouth finds yours again. Claiming you. Taking you. . . Needing. . .
I pull back, panting. Eyes closed. Your fingers that have worked their way under my shirt, digging into my back,
feel the muscles harden. Just as a sound, part growl, part moan rumbles out of my mouth and reverberates against you.
Part of you is afraid, unsure. Yet your pussy throbs painfully and you feel yourself grow even more wet.
As I open my eyes again, you unconsiously gasp.
You're there, in my eyes, mirrored, floating in the fires of desire burning there.
Fires bright enough you can feel the heat bathing you.
It's very hard to breathe.
As the wicked smile slowly stretches across my lips, part mischievous, part cruel, part knee-weakeningly sexy.
Blue eyes turned saphire flame. Filled with such wicked promise.
You stop breathing all together.
One heartbeat.
Thump, thump. Thump.
Time lurches back into motion.
My fingers are velvet steel as they slide down your thighs, moving back up.
Exposing the tight curves of your ass to the starts and candlelights.
Exposing you to my Eyes.
You give a little gasp as I spread you open. Strong fingers pulling your ass apart, opening you to the breeze. To me.
Staring into your eyes all the while.
Eyes you can't look away from even if you desired to do so.
My fingers find the edges of your labia. The honeyed wetness of your desire having spread even further.
My dick throbs painfully. The proof of your own longing, making mine many times worse.
Fingers tease you. Lightly brushing against the softest of your silken skin. Glorying in the sticky wetness of you.
The delicious suction as I hold a finger against your hungry opening. Only to pull it away. Feeling little strands of your
desire stick to me. Feeling them call to me. A language older than words.
After being frozen, mind numbed by the feeling and promise, of my hands so very near your opening, upon realizing my delight in
denying you that which you crave, you begin thrusting your ass backwards, trying to capture my finger within the seductive walls of your wiles.
My deep chuckle reverberates through your entire body. I know exactly what you want. Exactly what you're doing. I was expecting.
And I am still denying you. You're going to beg, oh you're going to beg.
I run my fingers from you opening to your clit, collecting the warmth of your need on my fingers. Fingers I pull away.
Fingers I bring to my mouth so you can watch me, one by one, suck the glistening juice from your pussy, off my fingers.
I close my eyes to savor the taste of you. The slightly salty sweetness of your body. Of you. Of your pussy. My pussy. And only mine.
My eyes open. And again find your own. Cupping your face, I pull you to me. Capturing your lips once again.
"I'll never get over how good you taste. How good it is to taste you", I whisper into your mouth.
Pulling back again. I slide my hands down your neck, to your shoulders and begin sliding the dress down you. Slowly.
Exposing your perky breasts, breasts with the nipples that respond so well for me.
I take you in my mouth. Full lips, wet, pulling you inside hungrily.
You brace yourself on my strong shoulders, forearms against me as your fingers twine in the back of my hair.
Holding my mouth against you. Encouraging, welcoming. A low whimper escapes as my mouth begins to work at you.
Tongue wrapping around and around you. As your nipple hardens inside my mouth, I begin to pull at you. Long, slow suction.
If you had milk, I would be drinking from your body. As one nipple becomes fully erect, I move to the next. My fingers work at you.
Rolling you between thumb and forefinger. Slowly twisting, pinching, pulling. Pain and pleasure as one.
My tongue is between your breasts, underneath them both. Lips always follow, pulling at you, hungry, wet.
The dress comes down further.
Tongue and lips find the firmness of your stomach. The silky fine hair near your belly button. Kissing along your ribs.
Your breath grows faster and faster.
The dress slips further. . .
Down your hips. . .
Down your knees. . .
to pool at your feet.
Your hands brace against my shoulders as you lift your legs, one by one, so I can move the dress. Out of our way.
You stand there naked. I have to take a moment just to absorb the sight of you. My mouth waters uncontrollably and goes
dry all at the same time.
It's as if god sculpted you from a dream that I've spent my whole life dreaming.
Taking a deep breath, I let it out, shuddering. My whole body wanting to tremble.
Taking you by the hands, I pull you down to the ground beside me.
Twining my leg through yours, I start once more with your mouth.
Slowly, but no less hungrily. My thigh teasing your aching center as we move back
and forth. My fingers burning their way across your tight ass and up your back. Across your ribs.
Into your hair. Always clenching you to me. The need of your naked skin against mine the only constant
that exists.
Lips, tongue and hands wind their way down your body.
Your heart is beating so fast everything seems to spin. You feel so hot it's hard to think.
The ache between your legs so intense you want to cry and scream at the same time.
But all you can do is pant and moan. You've forgotten how to scream. How to talk.
All you know if the need. The need of me. My body. My touch. . . My taste.
I'm between your bent legs, toes gripping the grass. Toes that spasm almost painfully, clenching,
as my cool breath blows against the sopping mound of your pussy. Your fingers dig into the grass. Each breath from me,
making your whole body want to spasm. To scream.
Watching you writhe makes me harden painfully. The tip of my cock sopping wet. Aching to feel you wrapped around me.
The sight of your wet pussy, juice covering the inner cleft of your ass, your asshole, onto your thighs. . . makes me whimper.
Hunger. Desire. Longing.
And need. A Need so vast time doesn't exist.
Just you. Your body. And the aching desire of your pussy that screams at me with a beauty that
words can never shape.
I move my face closer to blow on you. The air even colder as it brushes across your glistening mound, lips hungrily parted.
Your legs jerk, hips thrust upward. Wanting to take me. Needing me. Inside you. Filling you. . . completing you.
Closer still, I move my face. Another breath. Stronger than before. Longer. Your whole body spasms. Hips thrusting upward,
convulsively. Your fingers tear grass out by the roots. You are past noticing. Past caring. The entirety of your world revolves around
the ache between your legs. The ache only I can feed.
You can feel the air I inhale as I breathe in the scent of you, nose almost touching, a hairs breadth away. The moan that escapes my mouth, you feel.
An electric shock from your pussy, through your body. Spiking into you.
My tongue lightly brushes your clit. A jolt shoots through you. You whimper. My grin grows feral.
My tongue brushes against your outer labia, lapping the slick wetness of your body. You could scream.
As I explore your inner labia, teasing against your opening. You want to curse my name.
"How's that feel, baby? Hmmm?"
You moan in my general direction. Fingers drumming against the ground.
"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you, try again".
You can almost cry.
I breathe against you, long and slow. Lips almost against your silken lips.
You do cry.
"Please *sobs* Please. I need it. . Please".
"What do you need, baby?" My grin is most evil.
"*sobs* I need you. Inside me. God, I need you so bad"
"Why didn't you say so, love?" My grin is absolutely evil.
When my lips fasten onto your labia, . . . you scream.
A scream of need, of longing. An ache so long unfulfilled. Without words. Without thought.
All the pain of yearning. Of need. Of completion.
As my mouth hungrily pulls at you, your mind detaches.
My tongue thrusts inside you, the need to taste you almost as strong as your need to be tasted.
My tongue begins to rub your clit. Wet fingers slip inside you, curling upwards. Seeking the bump of your g-spot.
Finding it with aclarity. I suck hard at you. Pulling the blood to your clit. Sucking. Sucking.
Fingers flicking rapidly inside you, twisting, corkscrewing.
Your legs are kicking, feet twitching.
Back arching. Arms flailing. Body cavorting on the ground.
A dance of wordless need. Beautiful in any language. Priceless.
"Cum for me, baby. Hard. I want to taste it. CUM"
And with a screaming gyration of your hips, you do.
And you do.
And you do.
My fingers and mouth pull at you. Pulling orgasm into orgasm.
Waves of warmth cresting and crashing down onto you. Shockwaves thundering through your entire body.
Plucking strings you didn't know existed. And you dance to my tune, strings pulled expertly.
Your mind goes from detached to nonexistent. Simply you, floating in an ocean of warmth, waves floating you
from here to there. Gravity no longer an issue. The earth no longer tangible. Just you and me. And the pulsating heat
of my body and the hunger of yours yet to be sated.
After you come back to yourself, I'm there beside you. Smiling down at you, stroking your face.
"Mmmmm. I love when you come, baby. Was it good?"
In response, you pull my mouth down to yours and I eagerly except.
"I need you inside me, baby, please. I need it", you say.
I answer with a grin that makes you ache inside.
Rolling over, I pull you on top of me.
You straddle me, feet resting against my legs, deliciously tight ass just above the throbbing shaft of my erection.
With one hand I pull your mouth down to me. To mine. To my neck. My nipples. Hand clasped firmly in the back of your hair.
With my other hand, I reach between our legs. Grabbing my cock, I begin teasing your hungry, pink mouth. Sliding the tip against you,
rubbing it along your opening, thumping it against your sensitized clit. You try to thrust your hips down on me and I pull away, whispering "Not just yet, beautiful".
As your mouth plays along my neck and shoulers, my chest. My hands find the curves of your hips and ass. Strong fingers clench you. Holding you in place as the
burning hot tip of my dick rests against your aching center. Holding you in place, keeping you from taking me inside you. Your mouth grows more frantic against me.
Lips find my ear, tongue darting inside. The heat of your breath and tongue in my ear makes me head swim. Coupled with the heavenly heat coming from your pussy,
just barely hugging my head. . .My eyes cross and I almost lose my grip on you and your constant straining to take me inside.
I grip you more firmly. And brace myself to thrust inside you. You can feel my muscles tense up.
The ache inside you reaches a high note. You mind focuses in anticipation of feeling me part you.
And I do. Slightly.
Half an inch more than before. More. But still so much less than you want. You strain even harder against my grip,
whimpering as you try to grind your way down onto me.
I begin teasing you. In that little bit for a few short strokes and back out to tease your opening. Your delicious suction of your pussy never fully leaving me.
You forget about kissing me neck and chest. Your thoughts only for what you aren't getting. Only for your need. As you whimper.
You feel my muscles tense up again.
Surely, this is the time. This will be it. The thrust that drives me deep inside you. Surely. Right?
Sort of.
You get an inch more. Before I start teasing you again.
Savoring the feeling of your body. How right it feels to have you.
How needful this sharing is, this conjoining.
Sliding your nipple in my mouth, I bite down, Sharp teeth slowly, firmly clamping down. You gasp and start to try and pull away.
Even as my hands slam you down onto me, as I thrust up into you.
Your breath freezes, your mind locks. A breath shudders its way out of you.
You lean your breasts back down to me, grinding your hips against me. Rolling me inside of you hungrily.
My lips find your. Need of you the only thing that makes sense anymore. The need for all of you. In every way.
"Take that dick, baby. Take it. Mmmm Take it. Oh God. Take it", I whisper into your mouth, fingers locked where they grip your ass.
I roll you onto your back, needing to take you deeper, thrust into you harder.